LIA – A1116078
Safe - 6-22-2017 Manhattan
SAFE 6/22/17 Meet Lia: Lia is incredibly cute but has a femoral fracture that needs surgical repair ASAP. Lia can’t wait to heal up so she can be a bouncy, playful kitten! Please help this sweet girl today @MACC!
Lia is a tiny 4 week old kitten who was brought in with possible pelvic and femoral fractures and some trauma. Needs urgent medical and a foster home to recuperate!
LIA – A1116078
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 06/21/2017, From NY 10452, DueOut Date 06/21/2017,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 4 weeks Microchip noted on Intake? not scanned History : not known Subjective: QAR, euhydrated, trembling, NWB R hind Observed Behavior – allows all but protests, painful Evidence of Cruelty seen – none Evidence of Trauma seen – yes, bleeding from nose and fracture Objective BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, moderate bloody nasal discharge. Nares are swollen. Oral Exam: all deciduous dentition present, no visible ulcers, bleeding, or fractures PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic, no evidence of pneumothorax ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated, intact bladder palpable U/G: female MSI: Non-weight bearing on the right hind. Right hind dangles and moves side-to-side at the mid-femur when kitten is held. Painful/reluctant on left hip extension – right hip extension not attempted due to unstable femoral fracture. CNS: QAR to dull but responsive to pain. Palpebral reflex intact, no menace (may be age-related). Assessment: likely polytrauma to face, hind end – closed femoral fracture +/- pelvic fractures or luxations +/- skull fracture Plan: gave 0.1 ml simbadol SQ on intake continue simbadol 0.03 ml SQ SID x 5 days pelvic, femoral rads pending. Seek New Hope. Prognosis: Open SURGERY: Temporary waiver due to underage, trauma, fractures
Weight 0.9
Initial Exam (6/21/17)
DVM Intake Exam
Estimated age: 4 weeks
Microchip noted on Intake? not scanned
History : not known
Subjective: QAR, euhydrated, trembling, NWB R hind
Observed Behavior – allows all but protests, painful
Evidence of Cruelty seen – none
Evidence of Trauma seen – yes, bleeding from nose and fracture
BCS 5/9
EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, moderate bloody nasal discharge. Nares are swollen.
Oral Exam: all deciduous dentition present, no visible ulcers, bleeding, or fractures
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic, no evidence of pneumothorax
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated, intact bladder palpable
U/G: female
MSI: Non-weight bearing on the right hind. Right hind dangles and moves side-to-side at the mid-femur when kitten is held. Painful/reluctant on left hip extension – right hip extension not attempted due to unstable femoral fracture.
CNS: QAR to dull but responsive to pain. Palpebral reflex intact, no menace (may be age-related).
Assessment: likely polytrauma to face, hind end – closed femoral fracture +/- pelvic fractures or luxations +/- skull fracture
gave 0.1 ml simbadol SQ on intake
continue simbadol 0.03 ml SQ SID x 5 days
pelvic, femoral rads pending. Seek New Hope.
Prognosis: Open
SURGERY: Temporary waiver due to underage, trauma, fractures
Re-Exam (6/21/17)
Pelvic rads reviewed – only one VD view was taken and there is significant motion artifact due to pt discomfort (not sedated). There is a mid-shaft, significantly displaced, right femur fracture. This fracture requires immediate reduction and surgical repair.
**** PLEASE NOTE **** KITTENS under the age of 8 weeks or weighing 2 pounds or less CAN ONLY be PULLED by a RESCUE!!!! IF INTERESTED, PLEASE contact a RESCUE ASAP!!!
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Cats 2017-06