ANDY – 32808
Safe - 7-23-2018 Brooklyn Rescue: Feline Rescue of SI Please honor your pledges:
SAFE 7/23/18 Handsome 10 year old ANDY has a tooth abscess and needs a dental @ BACC. These kitties were surrendered by their owner because there were too many pets in the home, and they’re all definitely nervous nellies. They would love to go to quieter, more stable home environments where they can explore and warm up at their own pace. A volunteer writes: Andy was very laid back and a bit shy. He took treats with gusto, but needed some time to warm up before being petted. He has such a sweet face and is patiently waiting for his forever home. Andy would be happiest in a home with experienced pet parents.
Andy 32808
Location: Brooklyn
Intake Date: 6/29/18
Intake Type: Owner Surrender
Medical Behavior: —
Sex: Male
Age: 10 years
Original Location: 10461
Vet Consultations
Vet Notes
Date Resolved
Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 3:24 PM
H: Noted blepharospasm on rounds on 7/15. Eating normally. using litterbox normally
BCS = 5/9
T- 102.6
R- eup
H- 180
S: QAR to BAR, no csvd
Eyes: Squinting OD- swelling above OD that epilates easily. OS wnl
Ears: heavy debris AU- no pinnal-pedal reflex with cleaning
Nasal Cavity: unremarkable
Lungs: Eupneic
U/G: Normal external genitalia. No discharge.
Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness.
Dental: right maxillary molars- severe tartar and calculus with pus- tooth root abcess
Integument: swelling above OD- epilates easily, fluctuant and warm to the touch
Neuro: Appropriate mentation.
Rectal: Not performed. Externally normal.
1) tooth root abcess
2) severe dental disease
Needs dental and tooth removal ASAP- antibiotics will not cure abcess; needs dental with tooth removal!
gave 0.5 mL convenia SQ
gave 0.66 mL simbadol SQ
cbc/chem running 7/18
cleaned ears
start clindamycin 75 mg PO SID x 14 days
discuss with NH for placement
VET-P 991513
Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 5:26 PM
H: Noted blepharospasm on rounds
S: QAR to BAR, no csvd
Eyes: Mild to moderate blepharospasm OD, normal OS
Ears: Unremarkable AU.
Nasal Cavity: unremarkable
Lungs: Eupneic
U/G: Normal external genitalia. No discharge.
Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with no appreciable lameness.
BCS = 5/9
Integument: Otherwise unremarkable haircoat.
Neuro: Appropriate mentation.
Rectal: Not performed. Externally normal.
1) conjunctivitis
start erythromycin OU BID x 7 days then recheck
Monitor for worsening URI signs
VET 991524
Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 4:48 PM
H: Recheck ears
S: BARH. No csvd.
EENT: Eyes clear, ears have mild ceruminous discharge , no nasal discharge noted
H/L: eupneic
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Assessment: Otitis Externa
Prognosis: good
Plan: extend tresaderm for another week, then recheck
VET 991524
DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 12:03 PM
DVM Intake Exam
Estimated age: 10 years
Microchip noted on Intake? negative
History : o/s
Subjective: BARH
Observed Behavior – very sweet but will flee. Easily handleable in a towel. Did well for all medical handling and procedures.
Evidence of Cruelty seen – no
Evidence of Trauma seen – no
P = wnl
R = eupneic
BCS 5/9
EENT: Eyes clear, ears have moderate brown waxy debris, no nasal discharge noted
Oral Exam: adult dentition with severe dental disease, no oral lesions noted
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Otitis externa
Dental disease
Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC
Scheduled ear cleaning tonight and will start tresaderm AU BID x7d until 7/10-recheck
Rec geriatric workup with placement
Extension of gabapentin recommended 20mg/kg PO BID x7d until 7/10 then reassess
Prognosis: Good to fair longterm
SURGERY: neutered
VET 991416
L V T Notes: 6:41 PM
[LVT Intake Exam]
Microchip Scan: negative
Evidence of Cruelty: no
Observed Behavior:tense, vocal, will flee, allows all handling in towel
Sex: NM
Estimated Age:10 years
Subjective: hoarding situation, fearful animal, no previous medical history
Ears:very oily, mild cleaning, may need additional treatment.
Oral Exam: Advanced dental disease with halitosis. Missing most molars and premolars, canines appear blackened, gums deeply inflamed, does not appear to be painful.
Heart: WNL
Lungs: WNL
Abdomen: Tense, unable to palpate
Musculoskeletal: no signs of injury or fracture.
Mentation: Appropriate
Preliminary Assessment: Geriatric with Advanced dental disease
Plan: Needs DVM
LVT-E 991059
Animal Behavior Saved At: 12-Jul-2018 15:26:5.000
Animal ID:
Animal Name: Andy
Age: 10 Years 2 Weeks
Tag Number:
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Male
Spayed / Neutered: Yes
Handler: 991261
Behavior Assessment Date:
Retest Date:
Retest Reason:
Next Test Date:
Lived Indoors
Previously lived with: 1 adult, 1 dog, and several other cats
Behavior toward strangers: Shy for a few minutes
Behavior toward children: Respectful, gentle when playing
Behavior toward cats: Played gently with the other resident cats
Behavior toward dogs: Respectful with the resident dog
Bite or Scratch history: None
Litter box training: Yes, used an uncovered and covered litter box with clumping litter.
Energy level/descriptors: Andy is described as friendly, mellow, and quiet with a low activity level.
Other notes: The owner’s favorite thing about him was his coloring and warmth. Andy loved to sleep. He enjoys playing with catnip toys.
Observed Behavior:tense, vocal, will flee, allows all handling in towel.
Hunched over, pressed up against the back wall of the kennel. Very uncomfortable. Lip licks when approached, eyes focused on all movements. Remains completely immobile. Kept interaction short due to stress.
Low body posture, half of body inside litter box. Focuses on movement in the room and ears tilt sideways. Sniffs hand when placed in front of him, but lip licks and appears tense. Allows gentle petting, but looks uncomfortable. No interest in treats, too nervous.
Lying on top of kuranda bed, body low and tense and head lowered onto floor. He raises his head and makes eye contact when spoken to, pupils dilated. Not too interested in treats at the moment. Tolerates slow and gentle petting with the bear-claw while remaining still and tense. Nervous, needs more time to adjust.
Lying down under kuranda bed, pressed onto the back corner. Makes eye contact, but averts gaze after and appears neutral. Remains immobile when door opens and allows petting, but doesn’t display much of a reaction and seems mostly indifferent. Tolerates petting, but remains tense.
Perched on top the kuranda bed. Slow blinks when spoken to softly. Sniffs hand and accepts gentle petting on his head. Tilts head slightly and inches forward when coaxed with treats. A bit skittish, tends to retreat when someone walks by the kennel. Needs a slow approach.
Lying down on top the kuranda bed, pressed up against the back wall. Makes eye contact, and lip licks when coaxed. Seems unsure of his surroundings, remains immobile, with his tail wrapped around his body. Tolerates gentle petting on his head and along his body. Wasn’t interested in treats. Needs more time to adjust.
Lying on top of kuranda bed, calm and relaxed, looking out with almond-shaped eyes. Stays in place and accepts petting, ears tilting slightly. Lip licks, but doesn’t seem to mind attention. Shows interest in treats but doesn’t eat until I walk away.
Lying on top of kuranda bed, body low and tense. Makes and maintains eye contact, ears tilted and pupils dilated. Whiskers are pulled back. Leans head forward to sniff the treats in my hand curiously, then looks up at me. He tolerates slow and gentle petting along his head and body while making eye contact and shifting his weight slightly. Ears remain tilted and body remains tense. Nervous, needs more time to adjust. Accepts petting but seems too unsure to enjoy it.
Given a scratching post. Perched on top the kuranda bed. Seems unsure of his surroundings. He lip licks when approached, tolerates petting, and slowly turns his head away. I was able to coax him forward with some tuna. Clicker trained, rewarded when he allowed petting. Took some time to get the hang of it, but he eventually tilts his head and allows cheek rubs. Did well today!
Cage Condition:
Cage is neat
Reaction to assessor:
Andy is lying on top of his kuranda bed as the assessor approaches, body low and tense.
Reaction when softly spoken to:
Andy raises his head and makes eye contact when spoken to.
Reaction to cage door opening:
Andy tilts his ears as the cage door opens.
Reaction to touch:
Andy tolerates petting along his head and body while remaining very still and tense, whiskers pulling away from his face.
Potential challenges comments:
Andy has displayed fearful behavior during their stay in the care center and has displayed distance-increasing behavior with extended handling. Fear aggression can occur when a cat perceives a threat and may escalate if they cannot escape. A fearful cat will feel more relaxed when given options, so provide him with the chance to move closer, investigate, or interact with you. Be sure to offer incentive such as treats or play time whenever the cat makes a small positive step. Please speak to an adoption counselor for additional information on methods to desensitize your cat to their fear stimulus.
Behavior Asilomar
TM – Treatable-Manageable
Andy tolerates attention and petting but may be fearful or stressed in the shelter. Andy may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to his new home. We recommend that this cat go to a home with experienced cat parents.
Owner Profile:
Animal ID: 32808
Animal Name: Andy
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
This animal came from:
Found Stray
Origin Address
Basic Information:
Andy is a 6 year old, neutered domestic shorthair cat. Client found him as a stray when he was a kitten and has had him for 6 years. unfortunately, client had to surrender due to having too many cats. He does not have any health problem and was last at the vet 6 years ago.
Previously lived with:
1 adult and 22 cats
How is this cat around strangers?
Andy is shy for a few minutes around strangers. He doesn’t play with adults.
How is this cat around children?
Andy has spent time around children and is respectful of them he plays gently with them.
How is this cat around other cats?
Andy lived with several other cats in the home and they played gently together.
How is this cat around dogs?
Andy lived with large dogs and and was respectful with them.
Behavior Notes
Andy will hide in fear and is relaxed in car rides. He has never gotten a bath, or nail trim. He enjoys being brushed and isnt bothered when picked up. He is afraid when put inside a carrier and he has never been disturbed while sleeping.
Bite history:
Andy does not have a bite history.
Energy level/descriptors:
Has this cat ever had any medical issues?
Medical Notes
Andy has no known medical issues.
For a New Family to Know
Andy is described as friendly, mellow, and quiet. Client favorite thing about him was his coloring and warmth. Andy loved to sleep. He enjoys playing with catnip toys and is indoors only. He likes to sleep on the floor behind the radiator. He eats Purina wet and dry food. 2 times a day. He will eat any cat treats. He is litter box trained and uses an uncovered and covered litter box with clumping litter. He has a rough rope and carpet scratching post.
A volunteer writes: Andy was very laid back and a bit shy. He took treats with gusto, but needed some time to warm up before being petted. He has such a sweet face and is patiently waiting for his forever home. Andy would be happiest in a home with experienced pet parents.
Chloe 32807
Reba 32809
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Cats 2018-07