TWAIN – A1098353
Safe - 3-12-2017 Brooklyn
SAFE 3/12/17 TWAIN is currently being housed at the offsite quarantine facility for cats exposed to Avian Influenza. He has been cleared of influenza and is ready to find a great new home—that’s where you come in! If you can help please let us know!
A volunteer writes: This cat brings his A-game. Twain is an enthusiastic player. Sure, you can pet him, but his favorite activity is chasing cat toys. He will twist himself around to get a good angle and give it all he’s got. If you are looking for a playmate, Twain could be your guy.
TWAIN – A1098353
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 12/01/2016, From NY 11239, DueOut Date 12/04/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation YELLOW
Medical Summary Scanned negative BARh- will not allow handling; swat, hissed and growled. Intact male Approx 1 yrs old Eyes, ears and nose- clear Teeth- white No parasites or fleas seen Tiny matts Ambx4 NOSF
Weight 6.8
Initial Exam (12/01/16)
Scanned negative
BARH- will not allow handling; swat, hissed and growled.
Intact male
Approx 1 yrs old
Eyes, ears and nose- clear
Teeth- white
No parasites or fleas seen
Tiny matts
Re-Exam (12/21/16)
Sneezing noted on rounds.
O: BARH. Very active, eating well. mm=pink, moist, CRT<2 s.
EENT: Mild sneezing. Sneeze marks in cage. No ocular discharge or congestion.
H/L: Lungs clear. RR=24.
MS: Good body condition, amb x 4.
INTEG: Normal skin turgor.
A: URI, Score 1.
P: Rx Doxycycline 50 mg/ml. 0.7 ml PO q 24 hours x 10 days. First dose given.
Excellent prognosis.
Pre/Post S/N (12/23/16)
PE: URI, okay for neuter
Exam & surgery performed by Dr.
Feline neuter
Anesthesia – 0.1mL Telazol induction.
Sx. – Routine scrotal castration. No sutures placed, incisions left open to drain. Green linear tattoo placed on ventral abdomen.
0.16mL metacam injectable and 0.07mL Hydromorphone for pain management.
Re-Exam (12/27/16)
Recheck URI day 7 Doxy
O: BAR. Active. Eating well.
EENT: No nasal discharge or sneezing. No ocular discharge.
A: Resolved URI.
P: Finish Doxy as planned.
Excellent prognosis.
Twain was brought in as a stray, so we cannot speak to his behavior in his previous home. He was relaxed and rubbed against his carrier door upon intake, allowing the counselor to lift him and handle him. However, the medical team reports he displayed distance-increasing behaviors during his initial medical exam.
Reaction to assessor: Twain was calm, relaxed, and friendly by the front.
Reaction when softly spoken to: Twain climbs on the kennel door, reaching out with his paws.
Reaction to cage door opening: Twain remains soft and relaxed.
Reaction to touch: Twain sniffs the assessor’s hand and accepts stroke on his body, but he repeatedly turns his head around to look at the assessor’s hand when touched on his back and would pat it gently, nipping. He does not use nails when patting the assessor’s hand and applies little to no pressure when nipping. He appears to be playful during the interaction, but does not allow petting without trying to pat and nip.
Reaction to pick up: Twain is a bit tense during pick up, but allows handling. He wiggles and meows to be placed back down.
Behavior Determination: Experienced, No Children
Twain solicits attention and tolerates petting but may nip and pat with his paws during interactions. He is a young, energetic cat. His tendency to put his teeth on skin appears to be typical kitten behavior, motivated by play. Due to this behavior, we recommend daily rigorous play with fishing pole-type toys and ending petting sessions before Twain becomes overstimulated and/or if he begins to target his human’s hands. Max’s behavior appears suitable for an adopter with some experience, provided the adopter is aware of typical kitten behavior and is able to comfortably manage rough play
01/19/17 (LIC notes)
Calm and relaxed, but is a bit nippy with me and the other cats that touch him. He doesn’t seem to be nipping them aggressively, though. He appears to like attention, purring as I pet him, but is a bit rambunctious when playing.
A volunteer writes: This cat brings his A-game. Twain is an enthusiastic player. Sure, you can pet him, but his favorite activity is chasing cat toys. He will twist himself around to get a good angle and give it all he’s got. If you are looking for a playmate, Twain could be your guy.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Cats 2017-03