SNOW – 33195
Safe - 7-17-2018 Manhattan Rescue: FACT Please honor your pledges: Paypal Address: [email protected]
SAFE 7/17/18 NEW PHOTOS! Meet Snow! This gorgeous feline has a fracture arm and needs some extra TLC @MACC. Poor SNOW was brought in by someone who saw she had a broken leg and would not eat. Snow has a fracture to her right front limb and also a facial injury. She is 3 yrs old and allows handling and needs a home where she can get good follow up vet care.
Snow 33195
Care Center Location: Manhattan
ZIP Code From: 10453
Intake Type: Stray
Medical Behavior: Blue
Age: 3 years
Sex: Female
Weight: 7 lbs
Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 2:42 PM
fracture of the right radius and ulna.
Currently on simbadol
Reported to not be eating on 7/5 but actively eating tuna in kennel throughout day, today.
BAR; Growling when approached.
EENT — eyes are clear with no discharge. no nasal discharge. no sneezing. Appears eupnic.
Bandage is intact, clean and dry. toes are appropriately spaced with no swelling observed.
fractured radius and ulna
anorexia — resolved
continue with simbadol 0.5ml SQ q24h
Monitor appetite and hydration
continue to offer kitten food and tuna if not interested in adult food
Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 1:35 PM
fracture of the right radius and ulna.
Currently on simbadol; today is last day of onsior inj.
Reported to not be eating, drooling when food place in front of her.
EENT — eyes are clear with no discharge. no nasal discharge. no sneezing. Appears eupnic.
Bandage is intact, clean and dry. toes are appropriately spaced with no swelling observed.
fractured radius and ulna
continue with simbadol 0.5ml SQ q24h
Monitor appetite and hydration
mirtazapine 15mg tablet — give 0.25 tablet PO one time.
offer kitten and tuna if not interested in adult food.
Tech Exam
L V T Notes: 1:34 PM
Administered 0.07mls of Butorphanol 10mg/ml IM, 0.2mls Dexdomitor 0.5mg/ml IM @ 12:43pm for sedated radiographs and examination. Two view RFL rads were taken and reviewed by Rounds DVM and stored in vet documents.. RFL cleaned, a splint was placed by DVM, and face cleaned. Patient was reversed with 0.1mls Antisedan 5mg/ml IM @ 1:25pm. Patient recovered without incident. Administered 0.5mls of Simabadol 1.8mg/ml @ 1:30pm.
DVM Intake
Radiograph Review
Vet Notes: 3:08 PM
Radiograph review:
Closed fracture of the right radius and ulna.
The radius is a mid-diaphyseal short oblique fracture while the ulna is a comminuted fracture.
Update on physical exam and follow up treatments:
O: Oral exam reveals a minor laceration to the right mandibular labia caudal to the canine, moderate buccal swelling and a laceration to the tongue. Palpation of the skull did not reveal any indication of a fracture, zygomatic arch intact and the mandible was easily movable.
A: Fracture of the right radius and ulna – Needs immediate surgery
Soft tissue injuries to the right side of the face – Conservative treatment should suffice
1. Clean away blood and debris
2. Splint the right forelimb
3. Onsior 0.35ml SQ SID today and tomorrow
4. Immediate referral for orthopedic surgery
5. SQ saline 150ml SID for 2 days
6. Offer a slurry of food when feeding
Vet Notes: 12:54 PM
[DVM Intake]
DVM Intake Exam
Estimated age: 3Y
Microchip noted on Intake? no
Microchip Number (If Applicable):
History : Stray brought in by bystander to BxCC, states was watching over cat for one day prior after realizing the “broken arm”. Cat was brought in after noticing cat would not eat or drink
Subjective: BAR not interested in food, seemingly painful in the mouth. Witnessed gagging and trying to manipulate mandible as if something was inside mouth. Litter box not used but there was urine staining. No evidence of vomiting. 5-7% dehydrated.
Observed Behavior – Reserved, but allowed most of physical assessment
Evidence of Cruelty seen – No
Evidence of Trauma seen – Yes
P= 224
R= 32
BCS 5/9
EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted, OD ocular discharge
Oral Exam: Strongly resisted any manipulation to the mouth, could only visualize left side briefly. Fractured LMand Canine
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic could not auscultate thoroughly because of purring
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: No leaking or discharge
MSI: Ambulatory x 3, RF limb had mid-diaphyseal crepitation, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. No spay scar noted, blood and debris on face along the right mucocutaneous junction of the right maxilla, up to the right nares.
CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Rectal: Not done
Right front limb radial/ulnar fracture – suspect only radial fracture
Right perioral injury – cannot evaluate further as of now, will revisit when sedated
Prognosis: Good with treatment
1. Further exam under sedation:
– Butorphanol 0.07ml IM
– Dexdomitor 0.2ml IM
– Simbadol 0.5 ml SQ
– Sedated Physical exam, including cleaning of facial debris
– Right front limb 2 view radiographs
– +/- Skull radiographs (pending sedated physical results)
2. Simbadol 0.5ml SQ SID for 7 days
Temporary waiver due to Right front limb fracture
Assessed by OS, reviewed by
Vet Assistant Observations
Medical Assistant: 9:09 AM
Snow can not put pressure on her right front leg and there seems to be dried blood, I can not find a wound. Her nose has an abrasion and has dried blood coming from her nose.Right side of teeth and face stained with blood.
As per on call vet give 1 tab onsior 6 mg PO
Animal Behavior Saved At: 5-Jul-2018 13:53:45.000
Animal ID:
Animal Name: Snow
Age: 3 Years (approx)
Tag Number:
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Spayed / Neutered: No
Handler: 990828
Behavior Assessment Date:
Retest Date:
Retest Reason:
Next Test Date:
Snow was brought in as a stray, so there is no information on their behavior history or tendencies in a home environment. Her finder was able to pick her up and bring her to the care center. She head-butted the microchip scanner during intake and meowed. She allowed all handling during the intake process.
Observed Behavior – Reserved, but allowed most of physical assessment
Cage Condition:
Cage is neat
Reaction to assessor:
Snow was lying down by the back, curled up and looking out with almond-shaped eyes.
Reaction when softly spoken to:
Snow looks at the assessor briefly, and then looks away.
Reaction to cage door opening:
Snow becomes alert and looks at the opening.
Reaction to touch:
Snow slowly sniffs the assessor’s hand, and then lowers her head in anticipation of touch. She allows gentle strokes on her head and body, but her ears tilt to the side and her body twitches.
Behavior Asilomar
TM – Treatable-Manageable
Please note that this cat is being treated for a medical condition at the time of evaluation. It is difficult to determine at this time how the medical condition may be affecting the behavior. She interacts with the observer and seems to appreciate attention, but she remains tense and seems uncomfortable. We recommend that this cat go to a home with experienced cat parents.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Cats 2018-07