PURR – A1101109
Safe - 3-14-2017 Brooklyn
SAFE 3/14/17 Purr has a possible corneal rupture, is missing right limb, and has wounds on her front paws. She will need follow up medical care.
Brooklyn Center
Purr A1101109 – 3 Years Old, Gray DSH, Female, 6.2 lbs, Stray 01/06/17
scan neg
female, ~3 years
growling and hissing at first touch, quiet and nervous, exam done by using net
eyes- rt eyes- yellowish d/c, and inwards into orbital cavity, may be due to corneal rupture
left eyes- wnl
ears- mild dirty/ wnl
the paws of both front legs are swollen, ruptured skin, redness due to exposure of skin- possible wound
missing right hind leg
no fleas seen
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