NEKO – 22095
Safe - 3-30-2018 Manhattan Rescue: Feline Rescue of SI Please honor your pledges:
SAFE 3/30/18 NEKO HAS A VIDEO! Goofball Neko wants to show you his silly face! @MACC. Neko is a 2 year old neutered domestic short hair that the owner rescued off of the street when he was a kitten. The owner is surrendering due to issues with her landlord. Neko last went to the veterinarian about 6 months ago for a routine check. He is extremely stressed and upset. He is healthy and already neutered.
Neko 22095
Care Center Location: Manhattan
ZIP Code From: 10462
Intake Type: Owner surrender
Medical Behavior: Red
Age: 2 years
Sex: Neutered male
Weight: 7 lbs
Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 1:02 PM
Reported sneezing on 3/12, no concerns on 3/13
-BAR, interactive and affectionate initially but quickly becomes overstimulated and will swat
-good appetite
-no nasal discharge or sneezing noted or reported today
-OU: open and clear
1. No signs of URI
Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 9:56 PM
Reported sneezing on 3/12.
Today, pt is alert in kennel, no ocular or nasal discharge. No coughing noted.
Recheck tomorrow.
Tech Exam
L V T Notes: 6:12 PM
Combo test NEGATIVE (-).
DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 2:13 PM
DVM Intake Exam
Estimated age: Reported to be 2 years old. Exam is consistent with this.
Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative on intake
Microchip Number (If Applicable):
History : Surrendered. No health problems reported – saw a vet 6 months ago.
Subjective: Alert, hissing and growling in the carrier.
Observed Behavior – Swatting and yowling when eye contact is made. Pt was put into a Freeman net for a brief exam. Pt continued to yowl and hiss during exam and vax.
Evidence of Cruelty seen – None
Evidence of Trauma seen – None
BAR, MMs pink, BCS 5/9
EENT: Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: Unable to examine
PLN: Unable to examine
H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic
ABD: Difficult to palpate through the net. Not distended.
U/G: Male neutered
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Rectal: Normal externally
Assessment: Very frightened, otherwise healthy
Prognosis: Excellent
Plan: Do not attempt FeLV/FIV test now – too stressful. Schedule fior 2 days from now.
Lived Indoors
Previously lived with: an adult
Behavior toward strangers: Neko is described as friendly around strangers and goes up to greet all of the guests that go over to the house.
Behavior toward children: always been friendly with the ones he has interacted with.
Bite or Scratch history: none
Litter box training: yes
Energy level/descriptors: High Activity Level
Other notes: Neko is described as friendly, affectionate, and playful.
3/4/18 Observed Behavior – Swatting and yowling when eye contact is made. Pt was put into a Freeman net for a brief exam. Pt continued to yowl and hiss during exam and vax.
Crouched at back behind litter box, very tense, eyes fully dilated. Started hissing and grumbling on approach. Hissed louder when door opened. Struck assess-a-hand when offered treats, deep growled. Slowly started eating treats when left alone. Covered cage.
Huge improvement! Resting on cat bed, facing front, less stiff than yesterday but still alert, eyes dilated. Put ears sideways when startled by loud noises. Lay in place when door opened, head-butted, leaned into pets. Seemed a little wary of surroundings, but much less fearful overall.
Crouched in cat bed towards back, eyes dilated. Seemed wary. Lay in place when door opened. Head-butted, leaned into pets, extended neck slightly for throat rubs, put head down. Still seems anxious.
Further improvement! Resting on bedding next to den, alert, eyes wide and dilated. Stood when door opened, sniffed hand, seemed to warm up immensely. Head-butted, leaned and arched into pets, purred, lifted rear for butt scratches. Started eating treats and dry food after door closed.
Resting in top cubby, soft posture, but eyes dilated, alert. Lay in place when door opened, sniffed hand, then leaned into pets, started eating treats. Remained very wary of surroundings. Poked head into main compartment to eat treats within reach after door closed, hissed when spoken to. Eventually came all the way out, started eating dry food.
Asleep in top cubby, woke when door opened. Lay in place, soft eyes and body. Leaned into pets, then ate offered treats, closed eyes, appeared to doze off again. Sneezing noted, getting sick?
Cage Condition:
No change
Reaction to assessor:
Neko remains neutral, lying down on his cage bedding during the approach.
Reaction when softly spoken to:
Neko becomes alert with eyes wide open, pupils
Reaction to cage door opening:
Neko looks around towards sudden noises, ears erect and forward.
Reaction to touch:
Neko accepts the touch and slowly head rubs into the assessor’s hand while he purrs in place. However, he remains cautious with sudden noises and slowly backs away during the interaction. After, he settles in then curls back onto his bedding with head down.
Laid back
Behavior Asilomar
TM – Treatable-Manageable
Neko may be a little more independent, and may need time to warm up to his new home. We recommend that this cat go to a home with experienced cat parents.
Basic Information:
Neko is a 2 year old neutered domestic short hair that the owner rescued off of the street when he was a kitten. The owner is surrendering due to issues with her landlord. Neko last went to the veterinarian about 6 months ago for a routine check.
Previously lived with:
1 adult
How is this cat around strangers?
Neko is described as friendly around strangers and goes up to greet all of the guests that go over to the house.
How is this cat around children?
Neko has never lived with children but has always been friendly with the ones he has interacted with.
How is this cat around other cats?
Neko has never been around other cats.
How is this cat around dogs?
Neko has never been around dogs.
Behavior Notes
Neko meows during car rides. Neko is not bothered when he is bathed, brushed, picked up and held, or disturbed while he sleeps. Neko struggles when his nails are trimmed or when he is put into a carrier.
Bite history:
Neko has never bitten or scratched another animal or person.
Energy level/descriptors:
Has this cat ever had any medical issues?
For a New Family to Know
Neko is described as friendly, affectionate, and playful. The owner’s favorite thing about Neko is how smart he is. Neko’s favorite thing to do is sit on heated surfaces. When the owner is home, Neko stays in the same room as her. Neko likes to play with balls. Neko has been kept indoors only. Neko will eat any variety of wet or dry food at any frequency. Neko uses a hooded litter box with crystal litter.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Cats 2018-03