JOHANNA – A1105344
Safe - 3-10-2017 Manhattan Rescue: Feline Rescue of SI Please honor your pledges:
SAFE 03/10/17***TERRIFIC TORBIE NEEDS YOU!!! Johanna has possible open pyometra, please help today!
Manhattan Center
My name is JOHANNA. My Animal ID # is A1105344.
I am a spayed female torbie domestic sh mix. The shelter thinks I am about 6 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 03/04/2017 from NY 10303, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY.
03/08/2017 AT RISK MEMO
Johanna A1105344 is at risk due to New Hope Only behavior
03/08/2017 Exam Type OBSERVATION – Medical Rating is 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 7.0 LBS.
Manual TP =8.6 g/dl PCV=19 % PARAMETERS RESULTS REFERENCE RANGES RBC 4.17 M/ul 6.54-12.2 LOW HCT 15.1 % 30.3-52.3 LOW HGB 5.5 g/dl 9.8-16.2 LOW MCV 36.2 fL 35.9-53.1 MCH 13.2 pg 11.8-17.3 MCHC 36.4 g/dl 28.1-35.8 HIGH RDW 23.8 % 15-27 %RETIC 0.1 % RETIC 5 K/uL 3.0-50.0 WBC 17.72 K/uL 2.87-17.02 HIGH %NEUT 93.2 % %LYM 3.4 % %MONO 2.6 % %EOS 0.6 % %BASO 0.2 % NEUT 16.51 1.48-10.29 HIGH LYM 0.61 0.92-6.88 LOW MONO 0.46 0.05-0.67 EOS 0.11 0.17-1.57 LOW BASO 0.03 0.01-0.26 PLT 264 151-600 MPV 16.9 fl 11.4-21.6 PDW % PCT 0.45 % 0.0-0.79
03/04/17 19:02 Basic Information Johanna is an approximate 6 year old female domestic short hair. Finder stated she found her in her yard and did not want her freeze so she brought her to our shelter. Finder stated she did not handle Johanna. Behavior during Intake Johanna tolerated handling. We were able to take her out of a carrier and photograph her and then place her in another carrier. While in the new carrier Johanna began to hiss and swat.
No Web Memo
KNOWN HISTORY: Johanna was brought in as a stray, so we cannot speak to her behavior in her previous home. She tolerated handling during intake, but when the counselor placed her back into a carrier, she began to hiss and swat. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: Hissing and swatting when handled, escalates quickly, limited exam EVALUATION: Cage Condition: Cage recently cleaned Reaction to assessor: Johanna was lying down with blankets wrapped around her, calm and relaxed. Reaction when softly spoken to: Johanna looks at the assessor with almond-shaped eyes, but she begins to growl. Reaction to cage door opening: Johanna becomes stiff and alert, and starts to lip lick. Reaction to touch: Johanna hisses and focuses on the assessor’s hand. She growls loudly, blinks, and lip licks. When petting was attempted, she hisses and lifts her paw, ready to strike. She swipes the air before contact is made and continues to growl. ACTIVITY LEVEL: Mellow VOCAL: Quiet CHARACTER TYPE: Skittish, Independent POTENTIAL CHALLENGES: – Fearful – Johanna has displayed fearful behavior during their stay in the care center and has displayed distance-increasing behavior with extended handling. Fear aggression can occur when a cat perceives a threat and may escalate if they cannot escape. A fearful cat will feel more relaxed when given options, so provide her with the chance to move closer, investigate, or interact with you. Be sure to offer incentive such as treats or play time whenever the cat makes a small positive step. Please speak to an adoption counselor for additional information on methods to desensitize your cat to their fear stimulus. BEHAVIOR SUMMARY: Please note that this cat has a severe medical condition so we may not be seeing any true behavior and behavior may change when the cat’s medical condition improves. RECOMMENDATIONS: – Placement with a New Hope partner – Johanna is displaying behaviors that preclude placement in the adoptions room and/or may require further investigation before placement in a home. She has tried to swat, is extremely fearful in the shelter environment, and does not currently tolerate petting or handling. The behavior department feels that placement with a New Hope Partner is the best option at this time.
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
addendum: eating very well post ax recovery03/05/17 15:57 S: growling, striking, partial exam in freeman net, majority of exam performed under sedation 0.06ml Torb + 0.06ml Ketamine + 0.03 ml Dexdorm+ 0.45ml Buprenex IM, reversed with 0.03ml Antisedan IM O: mild dehydration approx 6-7% EENT: moderate dental tartar, crown fx 104 no pulp exposure, no oral lesions, no nasal OU or AU dc Int: nice clean haircoat Lnn: WNL CV: NMA, s&s pulses, pale tacky mm Resp: clear lungs Abd: soft non painful abd distension UG: female, mammaries not developed, no spay scar, minor dry dc at vulva MS: 4x ambulatory (prior to sedation), BCS 5/9 Neuro: BAR prior to sedation, no ataxia Abd rad performed under sedation: fluid filled uterine horns, si displaced cranially and to L, lungs WNL, cardiac silhouette shows increased sternal contact CBC: severe non regenerative anemia 13% Chem: elevate Glob A: abd effusion vs pyometra vs early pregnancy vs other anemia (r/o inx vs autoimmne vs other) chronic inflammation P: placed IVC, did not start IVF to prevent hemodilution and worsening anemia 0.7ml Baytil SQ SID x4d 0.7ml Pet Tinic PO BID x10d recheck PCV/TP if condition does not improve, consider deadline on 3/6 px: poor, possibility of a pyometra is an indication for emergency surgery, this patient is a high surgical risk due to level of anemia Microchip: negative Sex: intact female (could not palpate for spay scar) Age: reported 6y Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: mild staining If abnormal BCS: WNL, distended abdomen with fluidity when touched (would not allow a complete exam) Skin: WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: no Any injuries: large, distended, ascites-suspicious abdomen, on morning to do for sedated exam, visually stable Behavior: hissing and swatting when handled, escalates quickly, limited exam Medication: N/A, preventatives given
3/7/17 Pyometra sx done yesterday. Marked anemia 13% originally 3/5. PCV improved to 18% yesterday. On IVF 9 ml/hr, amp, baytril, pet-tinic x 2 days. PCV=17%, TS=9 last night – impoved overall since more hydrated. S) Eating well. O) BAR. Mild dehydration 5%. MM pale pk. Incision CDI. Further exam not done to minimize stress – resisting restraint and interaction. A) 1 day post pyometra sx. Anemia – improving. P) PCV/TS -19%, 8.6 – Improving while being more hydrated. CBC: Hct=15.1, WBC= 17.7 (on 3/7 WBC= 6.9, on 3/5 WBC=10.3) – good response to infection. Okay to increase fluids to 1.5x maint = 13 ml/hr. Continue amp and baytril x 3 more days, and pet-tinic. Prognosis: Good. Dr. Burnett
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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