CHIQUITA – 33612
Safe - 8-3-2018 Manhattan
SAFE 8/3/18 A volunteer writes: What a little sweetheart! She looks adorable as she crosses her delicate feet while checking folks out inquisitively. She gets perky at the sign of attention and soon relaxes, tucking her head in while you scratch, then nodding off.
CHIQUITA is an older girl who is affectionate and needs a furever family that will appreciate her.
Chiquita 33612
Care Center Location: Manhattan
ZIP Code From: 10473
Intake Type: Owner surrender
Medical Behavior: –
Age: 6 years
Sex: Spayed Female
Weight: – lbs
Vet Consultations
Vet Notes
Date Resolved
DVM Intake
Vet Notes: 3:17 PM
DVM Intake Exam
Estimated age: 6yrs based on O hx.
Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative by LVT on intake. MC placed on intake.
History : Surrendered by o due to allergies
Subjective / Observed Behavior – BAR, timid. Allows all handling but looking to escape (looking around, grabbing edge of table, inching forward).
Evidence of Cruelty seen – none
Evidence of Trauma seen – none
BCS 5/9
EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: 0/5; pd 0/5
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: intact female.
MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Rectal: grossly normal.
apparently healthy
adjust gabapentin dose to 0.3ml PO q12h x 5 days
Okay for surgery
VET 991516
Progress Exam
Vet Notes: 8:18 AM
starting gabapentin with estimated weight of 10 lbs (no intake performed, yet). Dose to be adjusted after intake, if needed.
gabapentin 200mg/ml — give 0.45ml PO q12h x 7 days
Animal Behavior Saved At: 10-Jul-2018 17:15:2.000
Animal ID:
Animal Name: Chiquita
Age: 6 Years 1 Week
Tag Number:
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Gender: Female
Spayed / Neutered: No
Handler: 991065
Behavior Assessment Date:
Retest Date:
Retest Reason:
Next Test Date:
Lived Indoors
Previously lived with: 2 Adults 1 Child
Behavior toward strangers: Chiquita is friendly and outgoing towards strangers.
Behavior toward children: Chiquita is great around children and is very gentle with young children.
Behavior toward cats: Chiquita has not lived with another cat in the past three years.
Behavior toward dogs: Chiquita has not lived with dogs upon intake.
Bite or Scratch history: Chiquita has no known bite history.
Litter box training: Hooded litter box
Energy level/descriptors: Medium energy, playful
Just returned from medical exam. Curled up in den, tense posture, eyes fully dilated. Lay in place when door opened, sniffed assess-a-hand, quiet hiss? Move away from touch.
Inside den with head poked out from the opening. Shifts back into den when hand extends, so turned den around to get a better view. She is unsure of pets initially, but warms up and leans in for cheek rubs. Comes out to use litter box after, has potential to warm up more.
Dozing in litter box next to den, woke when door opened. Lay in place, soft eyes and body. Leaned into pets, purred, started to roll over. Allowed pickup, but got claw stuck in my shirt while jumping back into cage, briefly became panicked and hissy. Did not aggress further, calmed again quickly.
Cage Condition:
Cage is neat
Reaction to assessor:
Chiquita is asleep on approach.
Reaction when softly spoken to:
Chiquita shifts in place, but remains asleep.
Reaction to cage door opening:
Chiquita wakes up and looks at the assessor with soft eyes and body.
Reaction to touch:
Chiquita leans and arches into the stroke, purrs, and begins to roll over.
Reaction to being picked up:
Chiquita jumps calmly back into the cage.
Behavior Asilomar
H – Healthy
Chiquita interacts with the observer, appreciates attention, is easy to handle and tolerates all petting.
This cat is showing behavior appropriate for new or experienced cat parents.
Animal ID: 33612
Animal Name: Chiquita
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
This animal came from:
Found Stray
Origin Address
Date of Intake
Is this cat having litter box issues?
Previously lived with:
2 Adults 1 Child
How is this cat around strangers?
Chiquita is friendly and outgoing towards strangers.
How is this cat around children?
Chiquita is great around children and is very gentle with young children.
How is this cat around other cats?
Chiquita has not lived with another cat in the past three years.
How is this cat around dogs?
Chiquita has not lived with dogs
Behavior Notes
Chiquita is afraid of baths, and being placed in a carrier. Chiquita is not bothered when being held or picked up.
Bite history:
Chiquita has no known bite history.
Energy level/descriptors:
Medium, playful
Has this cat ever had any medical issues?
Medical Notes
Chiquita has no known medical concerns.
For a New Family to Know
Chiquita is friendly and affectionate. Chiquita likes sitting on laps and likes to cuddle. She was great with a four year old child that she was very gentle with. Chiquita likes to be by the window and balcony. She enjoys balls, strings, and laser pointers. She is an indoor cat that is litter box trained and uses a hooded litter box. Chiquita was fed dry that was kept out all day for her. Chiquita liked to scratch her scratching post made of carpet.
Behavior Notes:
Allowed all handling.
A volunteer writes: What a little sweetheart! She looks adorable as she crosses her delicate feet while checking folks out inquisitively. She gets perky at the sign of attention and soon relaxes, tucking her head in while you scratch, then nodding off.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Cats 2018-08